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Be Present, Let Go, be Exposed!

Writer's picture: TarotX2TarotX2

Updated: May 1, 2020

Have you ever made extraordinary plans, outlining every detail, scrutinizing over infinite possibilities, then watch everything turn into a tsunami of chaos? It happens, to all of us, especially to those of us who are closet control freaks. Today’s Tarot card review is inspired by the Fool Card, from the Housewives Tarot Deck by Paul Kepple and Jude Buffum.

We see this busy housewife multitasking, and at first glance she seems to be high functioning, eagerly laboring over an alphabetized checklist that she probably accidentally threw away as she was removing the trash. On the other hand, if you look closer, things do not appear in order and this image begs the question, is this fool a high achiever or creating busy work to avoid what is troubling her? I know, I struggle with the internal need to maintain the illusion of what I think people want me to be, pretending I have it all together.

I know, I struggle with the internal need to maintain the illusion of what I think people want me to be, pretending I have it all together. I can’t count how many dinner parties I have thrown, but NOT one has resembled the perfect soiree witnessed on the hallmark channel. I always have fallen short of what my head imagined, fussing over every aspect, striving to present the ultimate perfect Martha Stewart extravaganza. It’s imperative that my guests feel important and they know I was thinking about them long before their arrival. Do I go overboard? YES, I do, but there is a legit reason why I tend to pull out all the stops for my visitors.

There is a background story for my insatiable need to correlate cloth napkins and sparkling china, a long, long time ago, me and my boyfriend of the past, were invited by his co-worker to dinner one Saturday afternoon. Upon our arrival, the home of the co-worker was empty, after ringing the doorbell and checking the backyard it was obvious this couple was not in attendance at their own banquet. I don’t know why my boyfriend insisted on organizing a grid exploration for this missing couple but he was relentless. Just when the search party was wrapping up and we were stepping into our getaway vehicle, his co-worker, the co-workers wife, pulls up into the driveway blocking us from leaving. From the look on his wife’s face, murder was on her mind.

We advanced into the backyard where she traversed between the outdoor patio and kitchen with loud thumping angry footsteps and commenced tossing hamburger condiments to and fro. There was no conversation while the hamburgers were cooking, nor during the feasting of the meat. It wasn’t for lack of trying either, don’t get me wrong, it was NOT completely, completely, quiet, every once in a while the gaucheness sounds of silence was pierced by a polite yet nervous homage to work. However, for the most part, it was equivalent to experiencing, a knee-replacement performed with a sledge hammer in a third world country. Any question directed at the wife was acknowledged by a grunt, shrug or worse yet, she pretended she could not hear us.

This incident left me feeling hideous. Obviously, there was some domestic unrest with this husband and wife. Consequently, after this unpleasant encounter I vowed I would never make a guest in my house feel the way I did that Saturday night. So, I pull out every bell and whistle available to make everyone feel important, I plan and stress and strive to deliver a 5-Star encounter. When I go about executing such an event, at the end of the planning phase, quickly approaching the execution stage, I am so exhausted I feel like the last marathon participant crawling over the finish line. During the progression of “Project Dinner Party” I am cranky and short with everyone that I care about. I am so busy implementing my vision that I am alienating anyone around me who offers me their services. It’s almost as is I have created a self-fulfilling prophesy, and in my over-achieving way, have become a reflection of that cranky co-workers wife.

Which is why I resonated with this particular tarot card. The message, or warning of this card is “Be Present” by letting go, move outside your head and pay attention to your environs. There is nothing wrong with challenging yourself to see if you can advance your skills to the next level, but be mindful that your identity and meaningful connections with others are not lost in the process.

Let's really dive into the symbolism. The window of the home is open to remind you to look at the bright-side, let the sunshine in and warm you. Remember though, the window you peer out of, also means viewers can peer in like the lens of a microscope. The woman on the card, looks very inviting, but teetering on the roof,

walking a fine line between creating perfection and her life falling apart (much like me). Upright, this card represents the illusion of control, creating a story as you want to appear to the world. This relatable illustration shows the very real struggle of attempting to get out of the front door, on-time, so your audience can see you as being busy-busy.

The Items flying from the sack our Fool is holding consists of cosmetics, which can represent a mask, is it time to remove superficial appearances and show the world your true self? Her wedding ring is in this collection of stuff, maybe it's time to revisit this relationship? With one foot touching the house she is possibly navigating two worlds? The billfold full of credit cards could be an indication that having a comfortable life is a high price to pay to loose your freedom. The most beautiful item shown here is the feather in her cap indicating she has had at least one notable success. Feathers are the symbols of flight. Looks to me she is gearing to soar into the abyss.

Overall even though the material world is nice, but does not fulfill us, and if you don’t watch your step, you will miss the important stuff life is offering us.

Check out the music video, “I’m On Top of the World” by the band Imagine Dragons that showcases this ideology (it always seems to put a smile on my face).

Did you notice? Our perfectionist Fool is adorning gloves. In the past gloves were symbolic of warmth, transition, fidelity, loyalty even erotica. Jonquil O’Reilly, a fashion writer describes that in the mid-19th century, gloves were distributed at weddings and funerals, for thank you gifts, as this 17th century prose discloses:

“Come to our wedding to requite your loves / Show us your hands and we’ll fit you with gloves.”

Considering the imagery of this Fool card, the traditional female role is portrayed, a newlywed, changing from her silk wedding gloves, to Latex, transforming from a young single woman to the title of “Wife”. A big switch for sure, and the Fool card is all about stepping into the unknown, embarking on a new journey. I believe we all can agree, that entering into to marriage is the “unknown”, the black hole of relationships. Eye! YI-YI!!! Despite, how well we “think” we know what we are getting ourselves into, we don’t. This young wife’s smile emerges as very kind, yet, conversely, she gives the impression that there is a little fear hiding behind all that enthusiasm. May I make a suggestion for the older readers in the room? Pull out your (first) wedding photo…we are all wearing that same smile.

As a reversed card, this young Fool almost appears happier, everything is falling apart, but the pressure has been lifted like a 2-week-old grass stains. Free-fall can be invigorating; it removes the clutter and allows you to view the world from a fresh perspective. This particular reversed Fool materializes as a moment of reprieve, Upright, she is hanging on, like polydent, not aware that she is dropping everything. Reversed, the illusion has been shattered, like letting go, and allowing your husband see you for the first time without makeup. Upside down, even your panties are showing, signifying that everything is going to be revealed, so great advice to share, be transparent and let go of control.

Whether your journey is currently in the planning, or unraveling stage, be Present, Let Go, Be Exposed and enjoy the Party!

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